Improved color preview picker
With our new color preview picker tool, its easier to see how two colors will work with each other. When choosing two colors, its helpful to have a side by side view of each color so you can see if they will work together and so you can use the large swatch as a visual for the final product color.
We think its more important to see how the colors look together rather than our old system of showing how the font looked. Since we hand finesse the fonts to sweep smoothly together, and size and position everything to be aesthetically pleasing, it was hard to program this into a proper font preview tool. You just cant duplicate the human touch!
Click on any color for the Name Color and the Capital Color, and click the 'Preview Colors' button. A large swatch will pop up that you can then change to any color combo you like to see if they are a good match and are the colors you really want.